Donna Turner
Director of Services
Family Fostercare Corporate Team
The experience of sharing my family home with foster children and of our family adopting a young person when I was growing up, led me into a career in social care. I initially worked in child protection for three years and then moved on into working in fostering, which I have been doing for nearly a decade. I joined Family Fostercare in 2011, initially as Registered Manager in the Cumbria region, because I felt that the agency’s values aligned very strongly to my own in relation to fostering.
My background has given me special insight and knowledge which I feel I can draw upon in conjunction with my qualifications and experience to ensure a high level of service is provided to both foster carers and young people. In my role as Director of Services I will be able to ensure that our agency is compliant with all requirements and responsibilities to the families and children we work with. In particular, ensuring that we go above and beyond our obligations where possible to ensure that every foster carer is fully trained, equipped and supported to provide children and young people with a caring and stable home environment, and that every child receives the very best care and their social, emotional, psychological and physical welfare is safeguarded at all times.
Contact Donna
07958 085309
01228 583127
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