Your initial application to become a foster carer is the first step in the application and approval process, which can take around 4-6 months.
As well as providing us with all the necessary information about yourself and your family the process also involves several meetings where we can discuss your application in depth, and your commitment to and expectations of fostering.
During this time you will also be required to attend training sessions to equip you with the basic skills to be able to foster a young person. The decision to foster is a life-changing one and it's important that every person in your household - including any children - thinks it through carefully and agrees it's a good idea. During the application process you, your immediate circle of family and friends and your home will be assessed for suitability - we need to know that young people placed in your care, living in your home, will be safe, cared for and happy.
If you think you are ready to apply to become a foster carer with Family Fostercare you can complete the online application form, or contact your local office or call our central information line on 01302 910215.